Friday, 30 March 2012

Media Evaluation Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

After exporting the first completed edit of my music video, I uploaded it onto the website ‘youtube’ and asked a number of people to view and comment on it in various ways. My Target audience is 16-28 male and females. As this age group is particularly young, I used up to date social networking websites such as facebook, twitter and tumblr to post my video and show both males and females within that age group. I gained feedback by people commenting on the video itself through youtube, also through people messaging me on both facebook and twitter. Online social networks such as facebook and tumblr also have a feature known as the ‘like button’. I used this to my advantage by asking those who thought my music video was a good ‘finished product’ to hit the like button. Surprisingly, I had a good number of people liking my video. However, by gaining a number count of ‘likes’ theres only so much information I can take away from that. Therefore, I read through every comment that people posted on my video and gained knowledge about what things need to be improved.

One aspect that people commented on a lot which needed improvement was the fact that my video contained some extra shots that were not needed. This included footage of birds eating bread, bikers riding on flat surface and people walking down footpaths. Taking these points into consideration, I deleted some irrelevant clips from my video and found that it would flow much better when I did so.

Aside from online interaction, I gained feedback from an older group of people which were my secondary audience. Using research I had gained from the 2011 social networking demographic analysis, I realised that this group of audience is less likely to use social networking to interact and view music videos. I therefore took a much more up front approach and interviewed people face to face on camera, asking for their opinion on my video. Something very noticeable to me was that the older audience generally paid much more attention to the narrative and felt emotionally attached to my character. However IU also gained feedback here regarding extra unnecessary footage, especially when the young girl is painting. I therefore took out some of this footage and let the audience figure out what is being written, thus respecting the audience’s intelligence.

I decided to log the audience feedback I received also, and that allowed me to gain a numeric count of the general comments that came up often. This helped me a lot when analysing my feedback. Taking feedback from both audiences helped me a lot and was very effective in enabling me to create the final product that I wanted.

I also showed both my primary and secondary audience my digipack and album cover’s, this allowed me to see if the connection between all 3 production tasks was clear and whether the 3 products complimented eachother. Here I received very good feedback and audience members noticed little details such as the ‘crack’ in all products.

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